I recently attended a worship service with a friend of mine. The theme of the sermon was “When you have good news, share it.” This was a message intended to prepare us for the Christmas season and the birth of Jesus Christ. If that isn’t good news, I don’t know what is!
As I began writing this month’s newsletter, I realized that I have a lot of good news to share. So much of it is because of my clients’ hard work and mindset shifts. I’d like to share the good news of their achievements with you to celebrate them to inspire you as to what is possible in 2024!
One client in Iowa said, “I can’t wait to talk to you!” She went on to say, “for the first time in my life, I have $500 in my emergency fund, and I’ve funded Christmas without using credit cards.” She made this possible by making a few cuts in her budget and getting a side hustle that is more rewarding than her full-time JOB!
Another client in New York said, “I’m excited about feeling empowered with a plan and no longer ignoring or fearing my financial situation.” She is adhering to her budget that she creates every month! She’s exploring both internally and externally what she can shift to ensure she reaches her goal of financial freedom!
Former clients in Idaho sent me an update and said, “We also traveled a bit this summer and just started a bathroom remodel upstairs, all of which we are paying out of pocket for. Planning to expand the remodeling to include new carpet, trim, and paint throughout the upstairs. So, it's been great doing all of it without taking on more debt.”
The good news FOR YOU is:
Whatever your financial situation or mindset is right now, it can change.
It can evolve into something better than you can imagine for you and your family.
You don’t have to do the work by yourself.
Let me leave you with a couple of reflection questions:
What financial goals do want to achieve by this time next year?
Who will walk with, encourage, challenge, and celebrate you as you work towards these goals?
This is the perfect time to reflect on what it is that YOU want for yourself and your family. Ultimately, we are called to be good stewards of what we have. If you want to reflect with someone who you trust, let's chat. I want you to have good news to share!